[[http://dcgi.felk.cvut.cz/|{{:y39mm1:dcgicoloralphasmall.png|Katedra počítačové grafiky a interakce}}]] ===== Multimedia and computer animation (BE4M39MMA) ===== This page is source of information for students of course BE4M39MMA in study programme Open Informatics on [[http://www.fel.cvut.cz/en/| Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague]]. The course is served by [[http://dcgi.felk.cvut.cz/en/main|Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction]]. | Lectures: | Thursday 14:30 | T2:C3-51 | | Seminars: | Thursday 16:15 | T2:H1-25 (IIM) | | Lecturers: | Roman Berka, Ph.D. - berka [at] fel.cvut.cz | Adam Sporka, Ph.D. - sporkaa [at] fel.cvut.cz | | Consultants: | Ing. Zdeněk Trávníček - travnicek [at] iim [dot] cz - IIM | Ing. Jakub Hybler - hybler [at] iim [dot] cz - IIM | | Time range: | 2h lec | 2h sem | | Time table | [[http://www.fel.cvut.cz/cz/education/rozvrhy-ng.B191/public/html/predmety/46/98/p4698306.html|BE4M39MMA]] | | ===== Links ===== [[http://dcgi.felk.cvut.cz/cs/study/akademicka_pravidla|Academic rules]] DCGI (still in Czech): Pages of the course in [[http://www.fel.cvut.cz/cz/education/bk/predmety/12/82/p12824804.html|White book]] of CTU. ===== Anotation ===== The course is focused on methods often applied in the area of computer animation. Studens will get an overview of algorithms and methods solving typical problems of 3D animation (inverse kinematics, animation of human body, dynamics, etc.). Part of the course is devoted to principles used during creative work with sound. The last part of lectures will give information about methods and technologies used in movie production (MOCAP, stereoscopy, visual effects). ===== Goals of the Course ===== The goal of the course is to give information about methods solving typical problems in computer animation area, virtual reality and movie production. The course is focused to give theoretical background of methods used in these areas and to give students possibility to experimentally verify the discussed techniques. ===== Course content ===== Students will attend lectures and seminars and they will work on small project focused on selected topics discussed on lectures. The results will be presented to other students at the end of the course. The seminars will be held in Institute of intermedia where students will have access to technical equipment usable for presentation of their projects. ===== Required knowledge ===== Ability to develop applications in C++. ===== Lectures ===== ^ Order ^ Topic ^^^ ^ 1 |**Production chain and composition video techniques**| {{:a4m39mma:files:l-b4m39mma-production-chain.pdf|PDF}} | Roman Berka | ^ 2 |**Motion Capture - MOCAP** | {{:a4m39mma:files:10-l-motion-capture.pdf|PDF}} | Roman Berka | ^ 3 |**Inverse kinematics**|{{:a4m39mma:files:01-l-kinematics.pdf|PDF}} | Roman Berka | ^ 4 |**Dynamics, particle systems**|{{:a4m39mma:files:02-l-dynamics.pdf|PDF}}| Roman Berka | ^ 5 |**Introduction to Fluid dynamics in computer Graphics **|{{:a4m39mma:files:03-l-fluiddynamicsforca.pdf|PDF}}| Roman Berka | ^ 6 |**Facial modeling**|{{:a4m39mma:files:04-l-face-modeling.pdf|PDF}} | Roman Berka | ^ 7 |**Cloth Simulation**| {{:a4m39mma:files:05-l-cloth-modeling.pdf|PDF}} | Roman Berka | ^ 8 |**Crowd Simulation**|{{:a4m39mma:files:06-l-crowd-simulation.pdf|PDF}} | Roman Berka | ^ 9 |**Tools for description of motion, Archiving multimedia content**|{{:a4m39mma:files:lb4m39mma-motion-description-archiving.pdf|PDF}} | Roman Berka | ^ 10 | **Physical Basis of Acoustics**| {{:a4m39mma:files:07-l-physical-basics-of-acoustics.pdf|PDF}} | Adam Sporka | ^ 11 | **Processing Sound Signal**| {{:a4m39mma:files:08-l-audio-signal-processing.pdf|PDF}} | Adam Sporka | ^ 12 | **Making and Editing Electronic Music**| {{:a4m39mma:files:09-l-producing-and-editing-electronic-music.pdf|PDF}} | Adam Sporka | ^ 13 |**Lighting, keying, video composing, video registration.**| {{:a4m39mma:files:l-b4m39mma-lighting-technologies.pdf|PDF}} | Roman Berka | ^ 14 |**Steroscopy, 3D Vision**| {{:a4m39mma:files:l-b4m39mma-stereoskopic_projection.pdf|PDF}} | Roman Berka | ==== Seminars ==== | 1| Introduction to the course, semester projects. | | 2 | Consultations to projects. | | 3 | Consultations to projects. | | 4 | Consultations to projects. | | 5 | Consultations to projects. | | 6 | Seminary, the first check point. | | 7 | Consultations to projects. | | 8 | Consultations to projects. | | 9 | Consultations to projects. | | 10 | Consultations to projects. | | 11 | Consultations to projects. | | 12 | Consultations to projects. | | 13 | Presentation of projects. | | 14 | Credits. | ==== Evaluation ==== Each student will succes after semetral project acceptation by his lector and after presentation of the project before the end of semester. The exam is compulsory part of the course. The student will get max. 100 points: * project 70 points * documentation 20 points * prezentation 20 points * implementation 30 points * exam 30 points (minimal amount to be success is 15 points -- 5 points of max 10 during test and 10 points of max 20 during interview) Classification: | 90-100 | A EXCELLENT | | 80-89 | B VERY GOOD | | 70-79 | C GOOD | | 60-69 | D SATISFACTORY | | 50-59 | E SUFFICIENT | | 0-49 | F FAILED | Themes for exams {{:a4m39mma:files:requirements.pdf|}} ==== Topics for Student Projects ==== Seminary task solve teams with max. 2 members. ^ ^Task ^Description ^ Supervisor ^Team ^ ^ 1 | **Research of simulation toolkits** | Make a research of programming libraries which compute dynamic simulations, particle systems, IK solvers, fluid dynamics solvers, simulations of cloth and hair etc. (possible examples: https://www.roboticslibrary.org, https://dartsim.github.io or https://vtk.org). Using a selected tool then implement application which demonstrates its usage and which simulate behavior of a selected object. The simulation should be then extended by sound. | - | - | ^ 2 | **Unreal Plugin Tutorial** | Study the API of Unreal Engine environment and try to design plugin as example of network communication, media streaming outside or inside the VR environment. Implement a selected tool as a plugin for unreal environment and document it as tutorial. | - | - | ==== Materials and links ==== === Inverse kinematics === * {{http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=|Chin}} * {{http://summit.sfu.ca/item/5706|Welman}} * {{:a4m39mma:files:watt-a-watt-land.pdf|Watt&Watt - pouze pro studenty MMA}} === Motion capture - MOCAP === * {{:a4m39mma:files:p73-kadu.pdf|Kadu}} * {{:a4m39mma:files:2006_muellerroeder_motiontemplates_sca.pdf|Müller}} * {{:a4m39mma:files:cav1505.pdf|Qi}} ---- * {{:a4m39mma:files:p139-gleicher.pdf| Gleicher}} === Particle dynamics and Fluid dynamics === * {{http://users.telenet.be/brambi/Papers/PbM-Particle%20System%20Dynamics.pdf|Witkin}} * http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0097849389900782 * http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=383261 === Facial modeling and cloth modeling === * http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= * Federic I. Parke, Keith Waters: Computer Facial Animation, AK Peters,ISBN 1-56881-014-8, 1996, katederní knihovna === Crowd simulation === * [[http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1272705|Pechano-2007]] * [[http://www.springerlink.com/index/GK682355V3212565.pdf|Ulicny-2001]] * [[http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=crowd+simulation+&btnG=Search&as_sdt=0%2C5&as_ylo=&as_vis=0|Google Schoolar]] === Music and sound === * [[http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=sound+visualization&btnG=Search&as_sdt=0%2C5&as_ylo=&as_vis=0|Google Schoolar]] === CAVE === viz [[y39mm1:materialy_k_uloham|materiály k úlohám MM1]] === Other === * [[y39mm1:materialy_k_uloham|další odkazy]] * dále viz {{http://scholar.google.com/schhp?hl=en&tab=ws|google schoolar}}